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brainstorm blog #3


I'm kind of excited for this project, although I think the animating will be very difficult. My idea right now is to do something like the movie Paranormal Activity or something like the scene in the movie It with the three doors that say "scary", "very scary", and "not scary at all" and incorporate the animation that way.

brainstorm notes:

paranormal activity-ish

start with us on the couch

maybe do this part as found footage

hear a weird noise

ignore it

hear it again

go to look

see a weird thing run between the doors in hallway

freak out

need a transition

doors from it


very scary

not scary at all

walk into each room

animation (need ideas)

maybe a lava lamp room?

or maybe scrap the paranormal activity intro and just do the whole thing like it

maybe like funny intro where we film outside of our apartment and we think it’s so scary

walk up the stairs scared

walk in and see rue and freak out

then the 3 doors

i need to rewatch that scene



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