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final artist statement #2


Waking up and having a calm, relaxing day is something that many of us would love to be able to have more often and that was what I wanted to create with my soundscape. My inspiration came from what I think an ideal day would sound like from beginning to end. I wanted this piece to be something myself and others could listen to whenever we feel like we need to take a break from our current reality. My life for example can get extremely hectic with school, work, and my family visiting most weekends because they live close, and sometimes I just need to escape. Decompressing is very important in our modern world because with everything going on, getting overwhelmed can be detrimental. I went with a very simple title for this piece because I think it accurately conveys what I am trying to portray. I think this project went well, and it was outside my comfort zone which was exciting. I wish I had taken more time to familiarize myself with the editing software so that I could have made my sounds more seamless. I would love to do something like this again as it was a great new form of art that I learned.



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