I think this gif is an amazing representation of art because it makes people feel an emotion. Whether that’s just happiness because it’s a goofy gif, or if it’s a deeper meaning and they understand it on that level. On the surface this gif is just a funny balloon animal deflating, but if you look deeper and get more information it takes on a whole different meaning. However, I would argue that most people don’t look deeper into this gif because it is just a funny video at first glance. Without the knowledge of Jeff Koons and his history with selling that piece, the deeper meaning may be lost. I really like what Michael Green said about online places such as Tumblr being the museums of the modern era because I think that’s absolutely true. In the future when people want to know how people talked, what art we shared, and the things we held as valuable they’ll definitely be looking to living houses for art like those. There are also people who make money off posting and selling their art on sites like Tumblr, so it’s most likely created more artists because there is so much opportunity to be discovered. I love that Green made money off something like a gif because most people think of those as just things that go around the internet, not goods that can be sold. To me, this is the best type of art because it makes people laugh and there is also room for deeper analysis.
